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SHA Office Hours

Date Posted: 03/17/2020
Category: Agency

Phone: 864-598-6000 | Fax: 864-598-6155
2271 South Pine Street, Spartanburg, SC 29302
P.O. Box 2828, Spartanburg, SC 29304

To limit potential exposure, we will continue to operate on our regular schedule, but staff will be providing service by phone and email. SHA will be closing offices to client walk-ins and appointments. You may continue to reach us by phone, and we are still open and doing business.

For general business information and emergency maintenance work orders, please contact your property management office. To contact your housing specialist call 864-598-6000 and select option 1.

Please stay safe. We thank you for your flexibility and cooperation during this critical time.Spartburg Housing Office Hours flyer, all information as listed below.

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