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1992 - 1999

Spartanburg Housing Authority 80th Anniversary. 1939 - 2019.


  • September 14, 1992 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority named Mary Louise Battisti its new executive director, ending a four-month national search. Battisti was the first woman to act as landlord to nearly one-fifth of Spartanburg's citizens. The authority had only five directors since it began in 1939. "We were looking for a superman or a superwoman, and I think we've found her," said John Manatis, Housing Authority commissioner. She retired December 28, 2001.
  • April 1995 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority unveiled its newest educational outreach facility, the James E. Talley Resource Center at Prince Hall.
  • July 1995 - The Housing Authority received a $394,750 drug-elimination grant to contract with the city police department for community policing support.
  • October 03, 1996 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority received national recognition for improving the living conditions for residents in its government-subsidized units.
  • October 1996 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority received a $14.6 million federal grant to demolish and replace Tobe Hartwell, the city's oldest public housing complex.

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