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Vendor Registry

Click Here to View Vendor Registration Instructions  

Click Here to Register as a Vendor 

How to Do Business with Spartanburg Housing 
The Procurement Department manages the purchasing and materials management for Spartanburg Housing. We are tasked to acquire services, supplies, equipment and construction at the most efficient level. 
The Procurement Department is responsible for ensuring fair and equitable treatment of all vendors who work with Spartanburg Housing. 
The Procurement Department works diligently to accomplish the mission and vision for Spartanburg Housing while complying with all applicable federal, state and local laws. 

We are always looking for new qualified vendors. We obtain these by: 

  • Placing public notices of upcoming contracting opportunities, including the Spartanburg Herald Journal and other newspapers and industry publications; the South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO); and on our webpage.
  • Word of mouth - recommendations and references provided by existing subject matter experts (SMEs).
  • Completed Vendor Registry forms submitted to the Procurement Department or online via the Housing Agency Marketplace. 

Notice to All Vendors - Insurance Requirements 
Vendors MUST comply with all insurance and licensing requirements to perform work on Spartanburg Housing properties. All Contractors, Service Professionals, and Suppliers currently conducting business or performing any services at any of the SHs' properties submit Certificates of Insurance as follows: 

  1. Workers Compensation: Insurance covering all employees and owners performing work or providing services meeting statutory limits in compliance with the applicable state and federal laws. The coverage must include employers' liability with a limit of $1,000,000; and statutory limits for Compensation each accident, bodily injury by disease each owner/employee, and bodily injury by disease policy limit. Where applicable, coverage shall meet any additional requirements of state and federal law.
  2. Comprehensive General Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, $3,000,000 minimum general aggregate limit per location for bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury liability. This shall include premises and/or operations; independent contractors; products and completed operations and contractual liability.
  3. Professional Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000.00 per claim basis, combined aggregate of $3,000,000. This shall include premises and/or operations; independent contractors; products and completed operations and contractual liability.
  4. Business Auto Liability: Coverage shall have minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence, for bodily injury, property damage and uninsured motorist liability. This shall include: owned vehicles, hired and non-owned vehicles and employee non-ownership. Spartanburg Housing Authority is to be listed as Additional Insured on both the comprehensive general liability and business auto liability policies. SH shall be named as the Certificate Holder using the following name and address: 

Spartanburg Housing 
Attention: Procurement Coordinator
170 Arch Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303

Fax Number 864 598-6035 

SH does require a valid, up to date copy of your policy to be maintained on file with our Procurement Office during the duration of any service or particular project. Renewal certificates shall be sent to SH via fax or mail 30 days prior to any expiration date. In addition, there shall be a 30-day notification to SH in the event of cancellation or modification of any stipulated insurance coverage. Please send certificates to the address listed above. Please contact the office listed above with any questions. 


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