Becoming a Landlord
How To Qualify
The landlord must agree to accept subsidy for their tenant, by entering into a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with the Spartanburg Housing. Please contact Spartanburg Housing to complete the required forms and to list your available properties. Once approved, access to the Landlord portal will be provided.
The Landlord Portal allows landlords access to inspection records, tenant ledgers, and Spartanburg Housing contact information. If you need help with your account, please call 864-598-6054 or email
The dwelling unit must pass the program's National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) and be maintained up to those standards as long as the owner receives housing assistance payments. The rent requested must be reasonable and the landlord must not charge the tenant any amount other than what Spartanburg Housing has determined to be the tenants' portion of rent.
Inspection Process
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program regulations at 24 CFR Part 982 set forth basic housing quality standards which all units must meet before assistance can be paid on behalf of a family and at least biennial throughout the term of the assisted tenancy. NSPIRE defines "standard housing" and establishes the minimum criteria for the health and safety of program participants. Each unit under HAP contract must be inspected biennially within 24 months of the last full NSPIRE inspection. Spartanburg Housings reserves the right to require annual inspections of any unit at any time.
Click here to view NSPIRE Inspection Protocols effective October 1, 2024
Getting Paid
Once Spartanburg Housing approves an eligible family's housing unit, the family and the landlord sign a lease and, at the same time, the landlord and Spartanburg Housing sign a HAP contract that runs for the same term as the lease. Payments will be generated on the first of the month, following the execution of the HAP contract. Payments are direct deposited into the owner's bank account. In addition, the landlord is expected to provide the services agreed to as part of the lease signed with the tenant and the contract signed with Spartanburg Housing.
Landlord Responsibilities
As a Property Owner in Spartanburg Housing's Housing Choice Voucher Program, you will be required to comply with certain obligations and responsibilities according to HUD and SH.
- That I am the legal or the legally designated agent for the above referenced unit, and that the tenant has no ownership interest in this dwelling unit.
- That I may not occupy the unit/property whole or in part.
- That I must comply with equal opportunity requirements.
- That I should carefully screen the family for suitability for tenancy, including the family's background with respect to such factors such as rent and utility payment history, caring for unit and premises, respecting the rights of others to the peaceful enjoyment of their housing, and drug-related and criminal activity that is a threat to the life, safety, or property of others.
- That I may collect a security deposit from the resident that is not in excess of private market practice, or in excess of amounts that I charge to unassisted tenants.
- That my obligation to offer a lease to the resident and the lease may not differ in form of content from any other lease that I am currently using for any unassisted tenants. That it is my responsibility to ensure that my lease complies with the state and local law. SH may only review my lease to ensure that HUD required items are addressed.
- That the family listed on the Housing Assistance Payments Contract is the only individuals permitted to reside in the unit. That SH and I must grant prior written approval for other persons added to the household. (Except for the birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody of a child).
- That I am not permitted to live in the unit while I am receiving housing assistance payments.
- That I agree to comply with all requirements contained in the lease, tenancy addendum, Housing Assistance Payments Contract, parts A, B, and C. That it is imperative that I fully understand the terms and conditions of the lease, tenancy addendum, and the HAP Contract.
- That I must submit to the resident for their consideration and to SH for their review any new lease or lease revision a minimum of sixty (60) days in advance of the effective date of the lease or lease revision.
- That I must provide SH with a written request for any rent increase a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the anniversary date of the increase and in accordance with the provisions of the lease and HAP Contract.
- That the resident's portion of the contract rent is determined by SH and that it is illegal to charge any additional amounts for rent or any other item not specified in the lease, which have not been specifically approved by SH.
- That I may not lease a unit to my family members, including all occupants, who are related to me in any of the following ways: parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sister, or brother. That SH may grant prior written approval if the rental unit will provide reasonable accommodation for a family member who is a person with disabilities.
- That I may not assign the HAP Contract to a new owner without the prior written consent of SH.
- That my obligations in the compliance with the Housing Assistance Payments Contract to perform necessary maintenance so the unit continues to comply with NSPIRE property standards.
- That should the assisted unit become vacant; I am responsible for notifying the SH immediately in writing. I also understand that HAP Contract and payment will terminate immediately.
- That I should attempt to resolve disputes between the resident and me and contact SH, in writing, only in serious disputes that we are unable to resolve.
- That I must promptly give SH a copy of any owner-eviction notices to the tenant and to comply with all State and local eviction procedures.
I acknowledge that I have been briefed on the HCV Program. That my failure to fulfill the above may result in the withholding, abatement, or termination of housing assistance payments for the contract unit or another unit; and/or being barred from participating in SH housing programs.
- That knowingly supplying false, incomplete, or inaccurate information is punishable under Federal or State Criminal law.