Cornucopia of Giving Press Conference
November 18, 2014
A woman stands behind a podium speaking with people around her listening.
People standing around listing to a woman speaking at a podium.
A woman speaks at a podium with people standing around her.
People standing and watching the woman speaking.
A group of people standing and watching the woman speaking.
People sitting in the foreground while a woman speaks at a podium in the background with people standing by her, listening.
A woman standing behind a podium with a table in front of her full of items.
A lady talking about items on a table in front of her, while people next to her stand and listen.
A man speaks at the podium.
People standing and listening to the man speak at the podium.
People watching and listening to the man at the podium talk.
A man talking at the podium while six people stand around him to listen.
A man turned around shaking another mans hand while people around them clap.
Setting up a big camera.
A camera man and two subjects talk while one guy adjusts a tripod.
A woman writing down what a man says in a notebook, while two other men talk in the background.
A woman being recorded by a big camera.
A man giving tips to a woman who is having pictures taken.