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3 Weeks: We Are Counting Down to SHA's 80th Anniversary Celebration

Date Posted: 09/19/2019
Category: 80th Anniversary

Spartanburg Housing Authority 1939-2019 - 80 Years


Prince Hall Building

September 14, 1992 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority named Mary Louise Battisti its new executive director, ending a four-month national search. Battisti was the first woman to act as landlord to nearly one-fifth of Spartanburg's citizens. The authority had only five directors since it began in 1939. "We were looking for a superman or a superwoman, and I think we've found her," said John Manatis, Housing Authority commissioner. She retired December 28, 2001.

April 1995 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority unveiled its newest educational outreach facility, the James E. Talley Resource Center at Prince Hall.

July 1995 - The Housing Authority received a $394,750 drug-elimination grant to contract with the city police department for community policing support.

October 03, 1996 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority received national recognition for improving the living conditions for residents in its government-subsidized units.

October 1996 - The Spartanburg Housing Authority received a $14.6 million federal grant to demolish and replace Tobe Hartwell, the city's oldest public housing complex.

Did You Know?

CONNECTIONS Program: The CONNECTIONS Program is aimed at increasing residents' educational level or enhancing their ability to obtain a wage, which supports a living wage. Residents from any neighborhood can attend classes or programs at any site. The goal is for SHA residents to become self-sufficient: economically, educationally, and emotionally.

Marche Gault Scholarship: The Spartanburg Housing Authority offers a scholarship to residents of Public Housing who want to further their education by attending a post-secondary educational program, such as, at a college, a technical school or a trade program. Qualified recipients are awarded up to $2,000 per year for their schooling. In order to apply for the scholarship, students must have a 2.3 or higher GPA in high school. Any Public Housing resident, regardless of their age, can apply for the scholarship. To date, Marche Gault Scholarship Fund has awarded 74 scholarships since 2001, totaling $126,378.

Join Us In Celebration

Thursday, October 10, 2019
Reception: 6:00 - 7:00,
Program and Awards: 7:00 - 8:00
Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Center for the Arts on the campus of Wofford College

RSVP: or Call 864.598.6023

Click here for more information.

We look forward to celebrating this historic milestone with you!

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