Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of HUD to Speak at SHA Anniversary Event
For more information, contact:
Jessica Holcomb, Deputy Director of Asset Management and Special Projects
Spartanburg Housing Authority
Phone: 864.598.6023
Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of HUD to Speak at SHA Anniversary Event
SPARTANBURG, SC - The Spartanburg Housing Authority (SHA) is celebrating 80 years of providing affordable housing assistance to area residents with an anniversary event to be held in October.
Prior to the Housing Authority's inception in the late 1930s, the City of Spartanburg was in the midst of rebounding from a Depression-era economy. City leaders met to discuss ways to improve concentrated areas within the City where poverty-stricken residents were living. The group developed a workable strategy to provide decent housing for thousands of low-income residents who were living in sub-standard conditions.
A plan was formulated to establish the Spartanburg Housing Authority. On October 2, 1939, members of the newly formed Housing Authority of Spartanburg and the Spartanburg City Council agreed to commit $800,000 ($14,707,798.56 value in 2019 dollars) for the creation of affordable housing in the area.
On September 10, 1940, the Housing Authority broke ground for Tobe Hartwell Courts, the first public housing units in Spartanburg.
The establishment of the Spartanburg Housing Authority paved the way for securing low-cost federal housing, which significantly improved conditions for many Spartanburg residents living in extreme poverty.
Since its establishment 80 years ago, SHA has continually worked toward its mission to develop and provide affordable, quality housing options, and programs that promote self-sufficiency for area residents.
On October 10, 2019, SHA's 80-year commitment to the City of Spartanburg and its residents will be celebrated during a special anniversary event. The 80th anniversary celebration will be held from 6p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Center for the Arts on the campus of Wofford College.
The event will showcase SHA's positive impact on the Spartanburg community, from its founding in 1939 to its present-day achievements.
The celebration will begin with a reception from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. featuring hors d'oeuvres, and entertainment. Exhibits illustrating significant accomplishments from SHA's 80-year history will be on display.The reception hour will be followed by the anniversary program with special messages from local dignitaries, members of the SHA Board of Commissioners and special guests. Hunter Kurtz, the Assistant Secretary of Public and Indian Housing at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development will provide the keynote address.
Commemorative Awards of Achievement named in honor of significant Spartanburg trailblazers of which SHA sites were named after, will be given out at the event to the following former residents:
Dr. Onarae Rice |
Dr. John C Bull Award of Achievement in Science or Medicine |
The Honorable James Talley & The Honorable Brenda Lee Pryce |
Phyllis Goins Award of Achievement in Community Impact |
Mrs. Mary Ann Washington-Deku & Ms. Sharon Porter |
Cammie Fludd Clagett Award of Achievement in Education or the Arts |
Chief Justice Donald Beatty |
Tobias "Tobe" Booker Hartwell Award of Achievement in Public Service |
"We look forward to celebrating this historic milestone with the Spartanburg community. As we prepare for this event, we are reminded of the great strides taken over the last 80 years with our first development housing 150 families to presently housing over 3,592 families across Spartanburg County." stated Chief Executive Officer, Shaunté Evans.
To RSVP for SHA's 80th Anniversary Celebration:
Call: 864.598.6023 or
Click here for more information.
The Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg has provided housing assistance for people with low and moderate incomes, since 1939. SHA provides housing assistance for families, elderly, veterans and disabled individuals through a variety of programs including Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers.
For more information on housing assistance, contact:
Spartanburg Housing Authority
2271 South Pine Street,
Spartanburg, SC 29302
By Phone at: 864.598.6000.
or visit online at
SHA offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.