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Board Meeting - 1/19/16

Date Posted: 01/19/2016
Category: Board of Commissioners

The Spartanburg Housing Authority held its regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2015, in the Executive Board Room at the Spartanburg Housing Authority offices, located at 2271 S. Pine St., Spartanburg, S.C., 29302

 Here's a look at tonight's agenda.

Call Meeting to order:

  1. Moment of silence
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approval of Minutes- December 15, 2015.
  5. Introduction of New Staff
  6. Commission Comments
  7. Public comments on Agenda Action Actions.
  8. Action Items  and Resolutions
    1. Resolution 2016-01: SHA Central Office Cost Center Lease Agreement
    2. Resolution 2016-02: Amendment to IT Pro's Contract: Change Order #2
    3. Resolution 2016-03: Mutual of America Amendment
    4. Resolution 2016-04: Authorization to Utilize RHF Funds in the North side
    5. Resolution 2016-05: Quality Cleaning Services contract
    6. Resolution 2016-06: Property Management Contract
    7. Resolution 2016-07: Information Technology Contract
    8. Resolution 2016-08: CVR Associates Contract: Change Order #1
    9. Resolution 2016-09: Janitorial Services Contract
  9. Information Reports
    1. Unaudited Financial Statements
  10. Monthly Reports
    1. Executive Director (Ms. Bates)
    2. Finance (Phillippe Lindsay)
    3. Community and Supportive Services
    4. Human Resources (Brooke Coleman)
    5. Housing Choice Voucher (Tiffany Askew)
    6. Development (RAD)(Daryl Dalton)
    7. Capital Improvements (Daryl Dalton)
    8. Asset Management (Daryl Dalton)
    9. Settlements and Claims/ Legal (Ms. Bates)
    10. Procurement (Ms. Bates)
  11. SHA Staff Comments
  12. Public Comments
  13. Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to Section 30-4-70(a)(1)
  14. Adjournment

BOC Agenda 1/16/19. All information from this agenda is listed above.

Here's a look inside the new Executive Board Room.
A room full of people looking at a screen.

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