Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg Awarded $396,504 in Mainstream Vouchers
For Immediate Release
For more information, contact:
Jessica M. Holcomb, Deputy Director of Asset Management and Special Projects
Spartanburg Housing Authority
864.598.6023 jholcomb@shasc.org
Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg Awarded $396,504 in Mainstream Vouchers
Spartanburg, SC - The Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg received notification from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on December 12, 2019 of an additional $396,504 Housing Voucher program funds.
HUD awarded $131.3 million to 325 local public housing authorities across the country to provide affordable housing to approximately 15,363 additional non-elderly persons with disabilities. Secretary Ben Carson made the national announcement during a visit to Detroit, Michigan. "At HUD we're committed to ensuring people with disabilities have a decent, safe, and affordable place to live," said HUD Secretary Ben Carson. "The funding announced today allows our local partners to continue helping residents with disabilities live independently."
The housing assistance announced November 20, 2019 is provided through the HUD's Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program which provides funding to housing agencies to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities, particularly those who are transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings; at serious risk of institutionalization; currently experiencing homelessness; previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project; or at risk of becoming homeless.
This program helps to further the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act by helping persons with disabilities live in the most integrated setting. The program also encourages partnerships with health and human service agencies with a demonstrated capacity to coordinate voluntary services and supports to enable individuals to live independently in the community.
"In January, the SHA will begin issuing vouchers to qualified applicants currently on our HCV waiting list", says CEO Shaunte Evans. "We are excited for the opportunity to assist an additional 75 families in need of affordable housing in Spartanburg County."
South Carolina received $837,665 across three Housing Authorities including the Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg.
2019 Mainstream Voucher Awards for South Carolina
- Public Housing Agency: Housing Authority of Spartanburg
- Vouchers: 75
- Amount: $396,504
- Public Housing Agency: Housing Authority of Greenville
- Vouchers: 20
- Amount: $147,101
- Public Housing Agency: Housing Authority of Myrtle Beach
- Vouchers: 50
- Amount: $294,060
- South Carolina Total
- Voucher Total: 145
- Amount Total: $837,665
The Housing Authority of the City of Spartanburg has provided housing assistance for people with low and moderate incomes, since 1939. SHA provides housing assistance for families, elderly, veterans and disabled individuals through a variety of programs including Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers. For more information on housing assistance, contact the Spartanburg Housing Authority at 2271 South Pine Street, Spartanburg, SC 29302 or phone 864.598.6000. SHA offices are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.