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Mainstream Vouchers Waiting List Opens - 2018

Date Posted: 09/24/2018
Category: Waiting List

Opening of Housing Choice Voucher Mainstream Waiting List

Spartanburg Housing Authority will accept applications for the Housing Choice Voucher - Mainstream Waiting List. Mainstream Vouchers are for persons who are disabled between the ages of 18 and 62. Applications will ONLY be accepted in person at our main office located at 2271 S. Pine Street, Spartanburg SC 29302 or applications will be accepted from our local service partners. Applicants must be currently receiving services from our local partners to be eligible to apply. In-person application will be accepted only on Fridays beginning October 5, 2018, at 9:00 AM through November 30, 2018, at 4:00 PM. Please contact the agency for a list of our local service partners at 864.598.6000. All applicants must meet all program admission requirements. NO exceptions.

Please see the HCV Administrative Plan for a full list of all application and admission requirements.

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