Moving to Work (MTW) Application
Important Notice:
This notification represents Spartanburg Housing's intent to participate in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) cohort #4 of the Moving to Work expansion.
Participation in the fourth cohort of the MTW Expansion will evaluate landlord incentives and their effect on landlord participation in the HCV program.
Spartanburg Housing will conduct resident/participant information and input meetings to be held by zoom in the month of June and will be open to all public housing residents, HCV participants, landlords and the general public. Our desire is receiving public input on the plan development.
A public comment meeting on the draft plan will also be scheduled in June. We will post publicly as additional opportunities become available. We will also be connecting with our community partners
as plans develop.
If you have any questions concerning the MTW expansion, please contact:
For more on the MTW expansion, information meetings, and the public hearing, visit our website.
Notice PIH 2021-03: Cohort #4 Landlord Incentives
- This notice lays out the process by which 30 PHAs will be selected for the fourth cohort of the MTW Demonstration Expansion.
- PIH identified seven MTW activities in the MTW Operations Notice (see Memo, 8/31/20) that have the potential to act as landlord incentives. In addition, two Cohort Specific MTW Waivers are available for PHAs.
- Together, the MTW Operations Notice and Cohort Specific MTW Waivers are referred to as the "Cohort #4 MTW Activities List." PHAs in the fourth cohort must implement at least two activities from the Cohort #4 MTW Activities List and vet those proposed waivers through a required resident engagement and public comment and review process.
- PHAs seeking MTW designation in the fourth cohort must submit an MTW Plan and application package to HUD by August 8, 2021.
- HUD will conduct a lottery of applications, and those selected will be offered MTW designation under the fourth cohort. Evaluation of the fourth cohort will be conducted by an independent research team that will compare outcomes for the PHAs that were selected and the PHAs that were not selected through the lottery.