Spartanburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners Finalizes Deal With Next Executive Director
The Spartanburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners on Thursday finalized an employment agreement with Terril Bates to become the agency's next executive director.
Commissioners voted to authorize Chairwoman Suzy Cole to sign the agreement, which includes a $145,000 annual salary for Bates, a South Carolina native. Bates is expected to start in her role on June 8, 2015.
Cole said the agency is fortunate to have someone with Bates' vast experience leading the Housing Authority.
"We firmly believe Terril Bates will lead this agency to an even brighter future," Cole said. "She has a proven track record of improving agencies, and in turn, improving the lives of residents."
Since January 2014, Bates has served as deputy executive director of the Detroit Housing Commission, helping lead the organization from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development receivership to independent administration. She previously held leadership positions with Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority, and in South Carolina, the Housing Authority of Florence and Beaufort Housing Authority.
To welcome Bates to Spartanburg, the Housing Authority is hosting a reception at 6:30 p.m. May 19 at its offices at 201 Caulder Avenue.
Also on Thursday, Cole commended Daryl Dalton, who has served as interim executive director since the retirement of Harry Byrd in October 2014.
"Daryl has led this organization admirably, and we thank him for his service," Cole said.