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Spartanburg Housing Authority receives a million dollar grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to help youth move forward from their past transgressions

Date Posted: 07/12/2013
Category: Agency

Spartanburg, SC, July 12, 2013: The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently notified the Spartanburg Housing Authority (SHA) that it has been awarded a $999,923 Face Forward Grant. DOL awarded approximately 26 Face Forward grants to agencies, totaling $26,000,000. "Face Forward" helps young people move forward from a past that impedes them from looking forward to a real future. Through diversional attempt to divert, or channel out youthful offenders from the juvenile justice system this grant will give youth a chance to succeed in the workplace and to avoid the lifelong stigma of a juvenile record.

Although diversion strategies are already part of the Juvenile Justice System, in order to provide the best possible outcomes for these youth, it is imperative to provide additional supportive services. The Face Forward grant will offer SHA the opportunity to develop programs that address this issue while developing the skills and opportunity youth need to move forward successfully in the workforce. The purpose of this grant is to improve the long-term labor market prospects of both court-involved youth prior to adjudication and juvenile offenders.

Some of SHA's many partners for this grant include: Spartanburg County Adult Education, USC Upstate's Achieve Program, Spartanburg Boys and Girls Club, Spartanburg Community College, Spartanburg One Stop Center, Upstate Workforce Investment Board, ReGenesis Health Care, Wofford College, TFE Logistics, Upstate Fatherhood Coalition, Piedmont Community Action, Urban League of the Upstate, SC Works, SC Vocational Rehabilitation, SC Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services, The Family Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit and the Spartanburg Public Safety Department.

Harry A. Byrd, Jr., Executive Director of the Spartanburg Housing Authority said, "We are excited about the opportunities that this new Face Forward grant brings to further help our residents and others in the community be successful and gain meaningful employment."

For additional information, please contact Daryl Dalton, Director of Housing Services at 864.598.6102.

Brand New Day at SHA. All text in this press release, is typed out above.

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