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Spartanburg Housing Authority Search Firm To Hold Community Listening Sessions

Date Posted: 05/17/2015
Category: Agency

Who: Gans, Gans & Associates
What: Community listening sessions
Where: Northside Development Group, Spartanburg Housing Authority offices
When: 11 a.m., 2-4 p.m, March 17, 2015

Additional Information: In an effort to gather feedback from interested members of the community and stakeholders on the search for the next executive director of the Spartanburg Housing Authority, Florida-based Gans, Gans & Associates will be holding a series of meetings on Tuesday, March 17, 2015.

Starting at 11 a.m., the search firm will meet with members of the Northside Voyagers, a community group helping lead redevelopment efforts in the city's Northside neighborhood, as well as members of the Northside Development Group, the organization coordinating revitalization efforts. That meeting will be held at the Northside Development Group offices at 410 Magnolia St., Spartanburg.

From 2-4 p.m., the search firm is scheduled to hold one-on-one listening sessions with Housing Authority residents and interested members of the public in the Mary H. Wright Meeting Room at the Housing Authority offices, located at 201 Caulder Ave., Spartanburg. Residents wanting to discuss their thoughts on the search for a new executive director can sign up at the door.

Then, beginning at 5:30 p.m., the Spartanburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners is scheduled to meet in the Mary H. Wright Meeting Room. During this regularly scheduled meeting, the board expects to receive an update from Gans, Gans & Associates on the executive director search.

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